Expressions of
Gratitude & Fruitage


“Thank you [-] for all your loving kindnesses.”

“Thanks for helping [-] and so many others. I’m grateful the Service exists with such a loving hand to express it!”

“Wonderful to see you last week. Thanks for your dear help – you are one of my many blessings!”

“Thank you for all you do for my mom. She really perks up and does so much better after your visits. We love you!”

“… How do I thank you for starting me on such an incredible healing adventure! [I have learned so much about God & man’s oneness with Him…]”

“[-] has been very pleased with your visits. Your calm serenity makes the mortal error seem less real to her. Thanks!”

“Thanks so much for your loving support. Your genuine caring and tenderness was much needed at the time and I am so grateful for your quiet listening.”

“I am so very grateful for being able to use the equipment you loaned me. It was all so very needed and much appreciated.”


While hiking in the White Mountains... Healing and Nursing
"For the last several years, I had had the privilege of working on two boards in support of Christian Science nursing. But I had never experienced what it was like to be cared for with such calm competence and no sense whatsoever that I was somehow damaged or injured. "
Click to read more

© 2025 Christian Science Nurse Service of New Hampshire