Thank you so much for your interest in this home-based Christian Science nursing organization. To begin with a few words about “home”, these words are by Arno Prellar. C.S. from an article he wrote entitled The Integrity of Home (5/16/88 Sentinel; reprinted 4/20/15 Sentinel: “Man, created by God, actually lives right in divine Love. This means that man is always surrounded by divine qualities, such as peace and harmony.” These qualities of peace and harmony are what the Christian Science nurse reinforces when she or he enters your home, and those are the qualities the board strives to reflect in all our work as well.
     As you may know, the board works with a metaphysical theme which transitions each year at the time of our annual meeting. The theme we’re going out on tonight is “How to gather, how to sow; How to feed Thy sheep” from the Christian Science Hymnal - Hymn #304; and the theme we are introducing is “Everlasting arms of Love are beneath, around, above;” from Hymn #53. We invite you to join us in praying with that idea whenever you think of the Christian Science Nurse Service of NH during this next year. You’ll hear more about feeding sheep in our metaphysical speaker’s presentation.
     As usual, it’s been a year of growth, challenges and progress. Our board chair, Greg Franklin, resigned in early November 2021 and he’s been greatly missed. We thank him very much for his inspired leadership and dedication these past several years. There are also board members whose terms are due to end and we extend to you a heartfelt invitation to let us know if you have an interest in serving on this board. We have several positions to fill, so please don’t be shy!
     It’s been an interesting year of finding a balance between the virtual and the “in-person” in terms of communication among board members and outreach to the Field. We may have been a bit quieter in your mailboxes than we would have liked, but we expect to improve that with more frequent, short notices coming to you via your email. If we do not have an email address for you, please get in touch with us either by phone or email. Our contact information is on our website: We will also be compiling these email notices to send out via snail mail during the year for those who don’t wish to use email ~ so please make sure we have your current mailing address as well. And please feel free to communicate this to anyone you think might not be on our contact list but would like to be.
     Our board meetings are held monthly over Zoom but we did have one in-person meeting last August when we gathered for a pot luck dinner-meeting, and it was great fun to see everyone from more than just the neck up! Our work consists of: supporting the Christian Science nurse(s) metaphysically; engaging supplemental Christian Science nurses when needed; keeping up the website; communicating with the Field; managing payroll, investments, insurance and the like; keeping abreast of legal and administrative requirements; and generally keeping the Service afloat through prayer and God’s guidance. All of this supports the active presence of Manual-based Christian Science nursing in our region; so as you see, we need a variety of talents and would welcome the particular skill you have to offer. I know we’re all wearing many hats in our support of church activities, but this visiting Christian Science nurse service is a singular treasure, as witnessed by generous financial donations it has received – for which we are very grateful – but it also needs human input to continue to thrive.
     As always, we have much gratitude to express. First and foremost, to our Christian Science nurse, Paula, and to those who have supported her work this past year. They include Arta Stewart and the team at Tallwood House, contract Christian Science nurses from MA and Maine, and Christian Science nurses from Tenacre in New Jersey who came up to provide vacation coverage last spring. We are so grateful for the support and availability of all these Christian Science nurses and the adjustments they had to make in their own schedules to help out this New Hampshire Field.
     Bringing in contract Christian Science nurses is costly, however, and we would like to hire an additional Christian Science nurse and are always investigating potential opportunities with Christian Science nurses needing mentoring or soon to be finishing Christian Science nurse’s training and who might be interested in joining the work here in northern New England. Please consider sincerely how you might express “Love in action” and put your mothering-fathering-nursing qualities to work with the Christian Science Nurse Service of New Hampshire.
     The times are especially suited for providing Christian Science nursing in the home and we know there’s a great desire for Christian Scientists to be visited and cared for in their homes. I’d like to close with another quotation about the importance of the concept of home as expressed in a November 1942 Christian Science Journal article titled Home by Nell Flash, which seems quite timely:
     “Every Christian Scientist who awakens to the importance of doing daily mental work to preserve the unity, the sanctity, and the continuity of home is aiding the defense program of the nation. The home is the bulwark of the nation, and a harmonious home based on divine Principle helps to establish a world at peace.”
     This daily mental work is akin to how this board prays for the activity of this Service, and we thank you for your loving support as well! Respectfully submitted, Pat Cameron, Director

© 2024 Christian Science Nurse Service of New Hampshire