The following information was extracted for the Report of the Treasurer which was presented at our annual meeting on May 8th 2022.           

This is the report of the treasurer of the Christian Science Nurse Service of New Hampshire for the calendar year 2021 so you can be sure that it will be full of numbers. It is also full of love and gratitude.
     Recognizing Love as the currency we deal with, there is love and gratitude for all of those who have contributed in many ways to the founding and maintenance of this Service. It has taken lots of people and lots of work. But, like all work related to the cause of Christian Science, it is work that blesses the workers. This Service continues to need workers more than it needs your money.               
That’s not to say that it doesn’t need money, but matter in any form, including money, is not the primary need of any organization or endeavor. Support, demonstrated love, is essential.
     During 2021 we spent over $100,000 providing Christian Science nursing care to individuals in New Hampshire and surrounding areas who chose to rely on Christian Science while seeking healing of physical challenges, and remaining in their homes. The bulk of this total (about 93%) was compensation and related benefits for the Christian Science nurses who provided that care and reimbursement to them for travel expenses incurred in going to those homes.
Most of the rest was for supplies used in providing care. Receipts for services covered about 56% of these expenses. And, that’s with just one Christian Science nurse providing the vast majority of the care given to our patients.
     Support expenses for 2021 were less than 6% of total expenditures for the year. We do try to keep these costs as low as possible, but in the days of computers, software, websites, and zoom meetings that can be a challenge.       
The good news is that contributions received were very strong, over twice the expenditures paid. The sad news is that 92% of those contributions, came from three entities who were shutting down.
     During 2021 we lost about $10,000 on sales of investments but saw an unrealized gain on investments held of nearly five times those realized losses, and a very significant turnaround from 2020. Interest and dividends for the year were down nearly 20% from 2020. The net result is that our financial holdings contributed significantly to a strong bottom line in 2021 which saw an increase in our total assets by about one third.
     I said earlier that we need workers. We need at least one more nurse. We need individuals willing to serve on our board. We need others willing to help with specific tasks and special projects. We need your support. We are grateful to have had it and look forward to continuing to work together into an ever brighter future.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice G. Shepherd

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